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2022年04月04日Monographic Technologies外汇平台最新被投诉!

润明财经 2022-04-07 10:04 外汇
此次Monographic Technologies外汇平台最新被投诉,涉及金额为3361.32元,主要投诉的内容是:

Since December 20th I have been scammed and manipulated by an online trading organization (Lionetix) who opened a trading account in my name. They abused my trust in order for me to send my money to a crypto currency address. A first payment of 230€ was made on 20/12/2021 via the Banxa platform, a second one of 850€ on 21/12/2021 and a 3rd one on December 29th of 1750€ via the Bitonic platform. The day I refused to add money, he started to get angry and did not want to help me trade anymore. So I decided to make a withdrawal, which was refused for security reasons at first. Another person from another financial service contacted me and asked me to pay 30% of the amount to get my money back! I refused, and since that day I have never had an answer by email. Impossible to reach them by phone. Mannheim etc.. Their website is https://lionetix.com/ with monographic technologies server. My trading account number is 801730352

此前Monographic Technologies外汇平台在被投诉过,投诉内容如下:

写在文末 润明财经不是国家外汇管理局,也不是相关市场执法部门,本身对外汇平台是没有约束力的。 但是当越来越多的投资者被黑平台坑骗,越来越多的黑平台通过各种渠道,肆无忌惮地进行传非法外汇保证金平台宣传。 受害的投资者投诉无门,常常将自身被骗情况反馈给润明财经。 于是润明财经决定曝光相关投诉记录,一来让外汇平台商和投资者有一个沟通窗口,二来是希望各位投资者在入金前,先来查看一下相关的投诉记录,避免上当受骗。 外汇投诉黑平台就上润明投诉。润明投诉,维护外汇权益积极为弱者抗争的投诉维权平台。

Tags:  外汇投诉  金融平台投诉  投资交易投诉  润明财经投诉
