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2022年10月27日VT Markets外汇平台最新被投诉!

润明财经 2022-10-28 10:10 外汇
此次VT Markets外汇平台最新被投诉,涉及金额为2900.0元,主要投诉的内容是:

Hi Sir my Account Terminate 8421582,,,,Sir very surprise that you terminate my account , I provided all my genuine documents and holding also ,,,, I always recommend this broker on trustpilot.com and forexpeacearmy.com and others trading plateform ,,, you are a big broker ,, you are not a Scam broker like other stupid brokers,,, I request in your kind honour that open my account OR returned my rest amount 2900GBP and then close my account ,,,,, vt markets broker has done SCAM with me ,,,,, He close my account No. 8421582 , my fund about 2900 gbp in the account but they close and disable mt4 also ,,, It was a good broker , I always referred to couple of friends and family members,,,, but they SCAM 2900 gbp , this amount is big amount for me.......I need help,,I belong to a poor family I worked first time in VT market with great difficulties,,They gave me withdraw the first time, when the second time withdraw so my account frozen,,I traded on the news and I made a profit,I will keep praying to you all my life,,,I have younger siblings and my parents from here I earn a little by trading and support the household,,i humbly request kind honour that open my account OR returned my rest amount 2900GBP and then close my account ,,,,,

此前VT Markets外汇平台在2022-06-27被投诉过,投诉内容如下:1.对于针对中国大陆开户前预存500元,没有赠金这个你由始到终都没有给个合理的解决 2.对于你们自己平台出问题了不排除是故意操纵价格的恶意行为且于2022年6月1...

写在文末 润明财经不是国家外汇管理局,也不是相关市场执法部门,本身对外汇平台是没有约束力的。 但是当越来越多的投资者被黑平台坑骗,越来越多的黑平台通过各种渠道,肆无忌惮地进行传非法外汇保证金平台宣传。 受害的投资者投诉无门,常常将自身被骗情况反馈给润明财经。 于是润明财经决定曝光相关投诉记录,一来让外汇平台商和投资者有一个沟通窗口,二来是希望各位投资者在入金前,先来查看一下相关的投诉记录,避免上当受骗。 外汇投诉黑平台就上润明投诉。润明投诉,维护外汇权益积极为弱者抗争的投诉维权平台。

Tags:  外汇投诉  金融平台投诉  投资交易投诉  润明财经投诉
